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Ann Ruzow Holland, Ph.D. - Consultant

Ann Ruzow Holland, Ph.D., AICP. is a professional service, NYS Certified Woman-Owned Business Enterprise, operating since 2002.  Working shoulder-to-shoulder with clients to set new directions for success, my company provides strategic research, planning, development, and support for new enterprises, programs, or organizational systems.  My partnership with clients helps private and public enterprises rise to challenging times through cost-effective, comprehensive, and creative services and support. 










Ann Ruzow Holland, Ph.D. AICP.

  • Fluency in environmental and community planning, including scientific, economic and legal components.

  • A 30+ year track record in leadership, strategy development and project implementation.

  • Master grant writer and fund administrator with over $750 million dollars raised and a 70% success rate.

  • Vision and personal drive to create change and advocate in the public policy arena.

  • Experience in marshaling resources and focusing debate in a collaborative climate with stakeholders for issue analysis in order to achieve specific outcomes.

  • Strategic thinker with excellent follow through and organizational skills.

  • Strong Communicator with excellent writing, articulation and listening skills.

  • A personal style that is comfortable alternating between leading, collaborating with others and partnering with colleagues in changing team environments.

  • Excellent researcher with fine grain attention to detail.

  • High degree of personal and professional integrity.

  • Ability to manage multiple projects and tasks simultaneously, including overseeing the works of others.

  • Excellent interpersonal skills, including flexibility, and a sense of humor.

Harmonizing People, Places and Spaces
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